Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Protecting People From Themselves

A study by the Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems Group (SHAAP) calls on the Scottish Government to introduce minimum prices for alcoholic drinks. It said a 10% rise in drink prices would save an estimated 479 Scottish men and 265 women every year.

So, because some people need protecting from themselves, because otherwise they drink to excess, everyone has to pay more for their alcohol? I say that a low drink price is just evolutions way of weeding out the weak. These days, because we are protected from so much, it's making us all weaker.

Monday, December 17, 2007


Post Office Closures

Does anyone reading this blog have a nearby post office which doesn't always have a long queue?

Friday, December 14, 2007


Bush Puts the World at Risk Again (Part 23,456)

From the climate talks in Bali

* The US favours allowing governments to set voluntary targets.
* Mr Gore: "My own country, the United States, is principally responsible for obstructing progress in Bali."
* The US is the world's biggest emitter of greenhouse gases

At least he finally acknowledges climate change. It's a start.

Friday, December 07, 2007


"News" Channels

The fact that Iran *doesn't* have Nuclear Weapons has forced the "news" channel CNN to cancel it's "speculative documentary" called ""We Were Warned -- Iran Goes Nuclear".

What?? How can a supposed "news" channel show a programme (that it has the gall to call a "documentary") which is so blatantly emotive and flies in the face of the facts?

Terrorists aren't the biggest threat to democracy - the media and politicians are.


Government Time Wasting

The government is wasting people's time - not only their own by again attempting to increase the length of time that people can be held without charge, but also the poor innocent sods who might find themselves locked up.

Why do they spend so much time on this? On average 10 people die a day on Britains roads. Anyone who drives to work knows of the congestion problem, and now congestion charging. Do "terrorists" affect people's lives this much? No.

Here's an idea for the government: solve the big issues that affect everyone first, before trying to create new laws (when there are already adequate laws anyway) to make it look like you are doing something and detracting people from the real problems.


British Gas Etc..

I was just listening to the radio this morning. A caller was lamenting the cost of gas - and they are with British Gas. Some people just can't see the wood for the trees! If you don't like how much you are paying for gas (or water or electricity) just change supplier! It's not hard! On the same show, the representative from Energy Watch stated that British Gas accounted for about a third of all complaints. Why do people still use them?

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Deja-Vu: American Intelligence Wrong Again

After threatening war against Iran and parking aircraft carriers off its coast, America has admitted that it has got it wrong. Tehran stopped its nuclear weapons program back in 2003. Oh well, everyone makes mistakes, but not all of them have the potential to start World War 3. And let's not forget that Bush actually knew this while he was claiming that they were the biggest threat to the world.

It's a pity they didn't realise they'd got it wrong in Iraq before thousands of people were killed. But, hey-ho, lots of money was to be made.

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