Friday, March 30, 2012


Faceless Megacoroprations

I've just had the kind of experience that puts you off buying things on the internet: paying for something online, the supplier takes the money but then denies all knowledge of the order.

In this case the amounts weren't large, but I paid for it using Google Wallet.  It's when you have circumstances like this, i.e. slightly out of the ordinary processes, that Google's flaws come to light.  How on earth do I contact Google to find out what happened to my money and whether the supplier received it?

As far as I could see, there's not even an email address to send problems regarding Google Wallet to, never mind a phone number.  All weblinks along the lines of "having problems?" all direct back to the supplier; but the order number I get it from Google, which means nothing to the supplier.

Thankfully in this case the supplier and Google sorted it out between them, but it serves as a warning about putting all our information and systems in the hands of one faceless corporation who couldn't care less about the problems of one of its users.

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