Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Justice for all - please?

Justice isn't something that should happen for henious crimes - I believe that everybody should take responsibility for their actions and take the consequences; otherwise, the message that it sends out to people is that it's okay to do bad things as long as you don;t get caught, or if you do, you can minimise your punishment.

Take this example of a Gangmaster who didn't pay his workers for a month, and left them to scavenge for themselves. His punishment? To have his licence revoked.

From this we can learn:-

* Foreigners are not as important as the rest of us and can be treated as slave labour
* Even if your workers depend on you, you are not obliged to even provide them with food.
* As a gangmaster, you might as well try and get away with not paying your workers, because even if you are caught, the worst you can expect is to have your licence revoked.

Can you feel the damp squib of justice? I feel like trying to rip someone off today. After all, if some people can get away with it, why can't I? It's the world we live in, and our Government doesn't seem to bothered about it. It's every man/woman/child for himself, and the weak and desperate will be crushed (right after we've finished exploiting them).

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