Friday, August 24, 2007


The Idiots Way of Solving the Problem

Brown is to crack down on gangs:

* Tougher enforcement" of the law
* More police on the streets
* Crack down on illegal sales of alcohol to under-18s
* "Where there is a need for new laws we will pass them."
* Increase the number of "acceptable behaviour contracts"

You'd be forgiven for thinking that Blair was still in power - more laws, tougher laws, more strange new means of surpressing bad behaviour.

When will they tackle to root of the problem? That which causes under-18's to want to drink alcohol and hang around shopping centres etc..?

Why not look at why under-18's do this? Among lots of other reasons, maybe it's because they have no reason not to. As I've heard them say before, it's because they get protection, respect and a sense of belonging. They should be able to get this elsewhere, and until they do, creating more new laws (which only serves to make it look like the Government is doing something) will solve nothing. It starts with the home.

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