Monday, June 11, 2007


Iraq: Only the soldiers know what it's really like! - Yeah, right

One argument levelled by soldiers at people who criticise the war in Iraq is that "we don't know what it's really like, just what we read in the 'liberal' media". When someone does level it, it only proves that they are grasping at straws in their defence of the so called "war on terror". It's normally followed by details on how they saw a hospital being built or suchlike, as if one hospital makes everything okay again. Still, it can only help: given that 2% of the population of the country has been killed, there's bound to be a few injured lying around.

However, the real problem with this is: "how can a soldier in Iraq know what's going on in the rest of the country?" Are they all seeing and all knowing? Or are they too relying on news passed on by other organisations, like the military for example? A military that is famous for passing on disinformation and propeganda?

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