Wednesday, March 07, 2007


America Sticking It's Nose In

One thing the American government has never learned is that other countries don't like being interfered with, whether it's bringing down Governments, telling other countries that they shouldn't have nuclear weapons, or just wanting to change another countries law. This is the primary cause of anti-Americanism in the world, but the US Govt will still convince itself that the reason they are hated is "because of our freedom".

But they are at it again. This time it's telling Canada to strengthen its copyright law. And, as with all arguments about piracy, the numbers quoted are ridiculous:-

"It really does cost the Canadian economy a huge amount every year, estimated to be from some 10 to 30 billion (dollars) per year" - US Ambassador David Wilkins

Let's take the average of that quote, 20 billion dollars. The population of Canada is 30 million, so each Canadian is pirating just of $650 dollars worth of material every year? They obviously like their films and music...

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