Thursday, February 22, 2007


Censorship and Free Speech

I spend most of this blog cricising British and American governments, with good reason; we should get our own house in order before we start charging across the world trying to impose our own values on other countries. However, it's easy (for me anyway) to forget that injustice is the same no matter where in the world it occurs. China gets my goat up, mainly because of the gall of the communist government. No one put them in power - who do they think they are to order other people about? They're no better than anyone else. One thing that really annoys me is when people think they know better what everyone else should do.

(I'm reminded of Harrogate council, who banned the Monty Python film Life of Brian. If you don't like it, don't fucking watch it! But don't stop other people watching it - who the fuck are you to determine what I can and can't watch? Especially when you haven't even seen it!)

Anyway, the point of this post is that an Egyptian blogger found guilty of insulting both Islam and the country's president has been jailed for four years. Guess where I won't be going on my holidays this year. Still, at least he got a trial.

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