Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Why the World Is Doomed

I came across this posting the other day in one of the blogs I enjoy reading because I so vehemently disagree with it. The author is responding to a story about how the french are going to turn off their electricity to save the earth's resources.

...My responsibility is to live my life the way I please, and if anybody doesn't like it, they should develop a replacement for fossil fuels that doesn't compromise my lifestyle.

Europeans might say this is typical American arrogance, and perhaps it is. I'm just not interested in giving up my comfortable, six-passenger sedan in favor of a tiny "Smart Car" ("Stupid Car" is more like it). Anything less than 3-liters and 200hp is absurd.

I couldn't even be bothered to post a comment to the blog - when someone is this far gone, there's no hope left for them (or the planet).

3 litres??? Ho can they justify that. Let's hope they drown in the floods for living the way they want....
Howdy, y'all.

I realize I'm a hated man around here, but I'd like to respond, anyway.

Two of the cars I owned as a teenager: 5.7 liters, and 6.6 liters (that's 350ci and 400, for old schoolers). I even owned a 455 c.i. vehicle, which has to be over 7 liters.

It doesn't have to be justified. This is the way it is. Europeans grew up with little tiny cars that aren't much fun and are just barely useful. I did not, and don't plan to take a turn for the worse.

"drown in the flood"... Wow. You are eating up the hysteria, aren't you?
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