Sunday, December 03, 2006


Are MP's Stupid?

"Motorists must pay". Good idea - all this time they've been travelling for free. Back in reality of course, the only people who travel for free are the MP's themselves who get a ridiculous 40p per mile or something.

Don'tt they realise that motorists already pay by the mile, with a thing called petrol? Whenever I hear about some newfangle techno-scheme, like using cameras to read numberplates to charge motorists, I think Are MP's stupid? Just add the charge to petrol!

Many motorists, myself included, would probably like to use public transport when we can. But once we've paid for the car, the insurance, MOT, and tax, where's the incentive to then use a bus?

What annoys me is that I would take public transport to work. However, the train costs me £60 per week and the car costs me £43. As long as public transport remains expensive, people will never switch from their cars.
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