Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Church school bans Lennon classic

Can anyone name me a single problem in the world that has not got a religous connection? Religion seems to survive by the facist control of anything that disagrees with it (and believe it or not I'm not talking about Muslims) Christianity is just as bad:

A church school in Devon has withdrawn John Lennon's Imagine from an end-of-term show after teachers ruled that its lyrics were anti-religious.

Rev David Harris said: "The song expresses longing for a different world and for eternal happiness but it says you can have this without religion."

Proof that you can't have happiness without religion. Or world peace of course. If ever I meet a Christian fundemanetalist, I always want to ask them "so, assuming Adam and Eve existed, does that mean their children had sex with one another?" And "so where do dinosaurs fit into the bible?"

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