Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Eat Your Own Dogfood

In the programming industry, we have a phrase that goes along the lines of "Eat your own Dogfood". This means that if possible, you should use your own software. For example, if you write accounting software, you should use that software to run the account for your company. It's a great way to test the software from a customer point of view and check it's up to the job.

Wouldn't it be a good idea if Governments did the same thing? Plucking a random subject out of the air, how about public transport? Whilst use mere mortals have to use it, it seems that the PM will get to use a private jet. So public transport, which is ultimately run by the Government, isn't good enough for the members of the Government. They shold be forced to use it - I'm sure it wouldn't take long for it to be improved, and we'd save money on the travel allowance they get - over 50p per mile in 2004.

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