Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Someone Who Deserves to be Knighted

Like many others, I saw the report on ITN about Ms Vandenberghe, the whistleblower who revealed some of the truth behind the shooting of De Menezes. The truth seems to be a very rare thing especially in this circumstance. All of the following are untrue:-

Someone like her should be given a knighthood, not someone who's donated money to Labour. She lost her home and her job. She didn't have to do anything, but she chose to because she knew the police were lying out of their arses. And she paid the price; 10 policeman invaded her home, she was kept ina cell without toilet paper. And then, as seems to be very common these days, she was released without charge.

To put it bluntly, someone high up in the police force has authorised the shooting of innocent people. It's thanks to her that we now know this.

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