Monday, May 08, 2006


Brian Haw Loses...

It seems that Brian Haw has lost the case the Govt brought against him. They said he was "a potential security risk". Why? Because he had an opinion on the war that disagreed with the Government? I hope Brian applies for permission to protest there (which you have to do under our Police State). Not that I expect him to win, just to see what the excuse is; though I doubt they even have to give one, or it will just be "he's a potential threat", a definition which can be applied to anything.

There's at least a chance he can win in the end - if he loses, we all lose. Many of use felt that his presence in Parliament Square is more representative of the people of this country than our supposed representatives in the House of Commons (elected with a minority of the vote). At the least, his presence should be defended.

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