Tuesday, March 28, 2006


American's Opinion on Guantanamo

I was listening to Today on Radio 4 this morning, and they had a piece on "American's opinion's on Guantanamo". Before they even interviewed a single person, I knew what was coming, and I was right. The first opinion obtained (from a Republican in Des Moines) was "where else are we going to put the terrorists?"

Arrghh! It just sums up their whole attitude to Guantanamo. In fairness, my attitude can be summed up as "How the hell do they know they are terrorists if they've not charged them with anything?". The Bush administration's propeganda has worked and the message implaneted on a lot of people's brains is clear - 'if they're in Guantanamo, they must be a terrorist'.

This just typifies the kind of world we live in, where "innocent until proven guilty" is become more and more irrelevent every day, and the word "terrorist" is bandied around to label anyone that fights against oppression.

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