Monday, December 05, 2005


US finally admits using CIA flights to move terror suspects

Who can trust the US Administration? A few choice quotes from the BBC report:-

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has denied that the US uses CIA flights to transport terror suspects to other countries for torture.
Since torture has now been defined only as bringing the subject to the point of near death or causing permanent injury, denying the use of torture is pretty much irrelevent.

But, before boarding a plane to Germany, she refused to say whether the CIA ran secret prisons abroad.
Far be it for me to guess, but it seems that whenever a question is refused to be answered by the US administration, it normally means the worst, i.e. true.

Ms Rice refused to address the question directly.
Ditto. The most worrying aspect of this is why do they need to fly the detainees out the country. Who knows what laws they are getting around.

I'm not a terrorist-apologist, but in the face of such hyprocisy, abuse of internation law, arrogance and english-language-redefining outright lying, what hope has your average Joe Terrorist got against the American machine except to try and take out as many troops lives as possible in Iraq? It's not like the world is worth living in at the moment.


prsioners had diplomatic status.

Hence laissez passer in on out of anywhere

So to UK legal eagles no touchee.
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