Sunday, October 09, 2005


4x4's And Other Irritating Vehicles

An article in the British Medical Journal says that 4x4's carry an increased risk of harming pedestrians. How does this affect the statistics cited in the road safety campaign where they tell you about the much-increased risk of killing a child when driving at 40mph rather than 30mph?

Can I say to the officer "well, at least I'm not driving a 4x4, so the chance of me killing a pedestrian at 40mph is probably less than than if I was driving a 4x4 at 30mph". Is it time to have seperate speed limits depending on the type of vehicle you are driving? Or just get rid of large off-road vehicles altogether? (unless you are one of the few that actually drive them off road.)

And don't get me started on when people take up two car-parking spaces with their off-roader...

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